Make, Create, & Innovate @
Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design

Chris Bouwmeester
PhD PEng
Professor Bouwmeester has a background in mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, and cardiovascular physiology studying the effects of waves created by the heart and mechanical assist devices. He is currently focused on teaching engineering design, meshing inverted classroom structures with hands-on activities, and measuring the psychophysiological response of people in active learning environments.
Dean’s Emerging Innovation in Teaching Professor (2018 - 2021)
Technology Enhanced Active Learning (TEAL) Fellow (2018 - 2020)
Open Positions
Graduate student in Biomedical Engineering Education
Summer student to design devices for teaching
Summer student active learning app development
Publications & Reviews
Contact Info
Email: biodesign.bme@utoronto.ca
Phone: 1-416-978-3702
Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design
Each year senior engineering students work in multi-disciplinary teams on open-ended, team-based projects to meet unaddressed clinical needs and solve challenging healthcare problems. The capstone course is a “studio” course – it uses the IBBME design studio and prototyping suite adopts an approach to student interaction that is hands-on, instructor facilitated, and student-centered.
Design Studio

Prototyping Suite

This experience builds upon earlier coursework by integrating engineering theory and practice within a structured, collaborative environment. Teams assess customer needs and engineering requirements, evaluate concepts, resolve major technical hurdles, and employ rigorous engineering practices to design and build a prototype device or process which is tested and fully documented. Each team is responsible for the technical aspects of the design and project management.
This is a two-semester course that is open to students in the biomedical engineering minor program, other senior engineering students interested in a biomedical projects, and arts & science students interested in working on real clinical problems with engineers. Students have the option of finding a clinical need they are passionate about addressing or linking with clinical partners
This is a one-semester course that is only open to students in the biomedical systems engineering major; engineering science program. Student are linked with clients based at collaborating hospitals (e.g., Hospital for Sick Children)
Interested in Working with Students?
Do you have a healthcare-related problem that you wish you could get at if you had just a little more time?
Consider sending a short description of your problem to chris.bouwmeester@utoronto.ca and start a dialogue to define a suitable project.
Benefits of sponsoring a student include:
Strengthen your connection with IBBME
Provide students with valuable, career-relevant experience
Enable students to improve their resumes and job prospects
Guaranteed funding to support material and space costs for student projects